Ben turned six months old August 11th. I know EVERYONE says they can't believe how fast he's growing up, and for the most part, neither can I. This is definately my favorite age for him so far. He's "talking" like crazy. All those little noises he makes are so cute. Sometimes it sounds like he's singing. He's laughing more and moving more. Yesterday he scooted himself about 3 feet backward while laying on his belly. He's always chewing on his fingers or sucking his thumb. He wants so badly to play with Junie, but she doesn't hold still long enough, or Junie starts licking his face so she gets yelled at to leave him alone. Junie also gets in trouble for chewing on Ben's teethers, which for some reason, she thinks are hers despite the amount of trouble she gets in when she's caught. They're the rubbery things filled with water so that you can put them in the fridge (label says no freezer, but whatever) and let the baby chew on them when they're cold to ease tooth pain.

Chris took Ben to his six month doctors appointment. Ben did very well. For his age, he's in the 30% for weight (so I guess he should be fatter) weighing 16lbs. 11oz. He's in the 90% for height measuring 28 inches tall. And he's in the 91% for head size. Imagine that, he's got a big head. :) The doctor said that babies go through growth spurts with their head and Ben seems to be going through one with his gigantic candy apple head. Hopefully his body will catch up. The doctor also told us that Ben can only "use his car seat for the next inch of his life" (Chris said it like that). So we're getting ready to upgrade to one Gina from work gave me. It's VERY nice. I've had it in the garage since I was like, 8 months pregnant, so when I went and got it it was dirty. It took me literally 20 minutes to get the cover off of it. A wrench had to be involved (as per explanations of people on the internet who also tried to wash their same car seat cover). Very frustrating. But it's clean and looks great! The only thing that sucks is that it's not the kind of car seat that comes out of the car, so now I'm going to have to carry Ben in without a carrier. I'm just paranoid of dropping him while I carry all my work crap.