I'm skipping September since I don't have photographic proof that it was even a month that existed this year. I can't remember anything significant from that month. So here's October. Ben was a Jr. Fisherman for Halloween. We took him trick-or-treating for the first time. We were in Troy and Jamey's neighborhood and only went to two houses since there were only two houses on that street that weren't pretending to not be home. Halloween was on a Sunday this year, and being the Bible Belt, Benton decided that it was going to move Halloween to Saturday, so that's when we went (thinking more people would be up to celebrating the devil if it wasn't on a Sunday...nope). We'll do better next year!

We had a great 2010 and hope to have an even better 2011! Right now we're working on planning Ben's birthday party. I think it's going to be mostly family this year. It's less stressful, plus, Ben doesn't really care about playing with other kids yet, so it'll be easier. He's obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine right now, so it's going to be a train themed party. I bought plates and napkins and decorations that have a train on them and instead of saying "choo choo" is says 2, 2! Because he's turning two. It's so surreal to me that it's been almost 2 years since I had him. He's already practicing the terrible twos with an occassional attitude and a constant testing of his parent's patience. I still love that baby. Oh yeah, and today, while in class, another child threw up on the floor and Ben picked it up with his bare hands. Wonderful. I had to write that memory down since it's something I think I'm going to try to supress deep down in my brain.