Saturday, May 29, 2010

Moving Into Summer

I can't believe I haven't updated this since Spring break. Sometimes I wish I was a stay at home mom so I could spend all the time in the world with Ben and have time to do things like this. There's no way we could afford that, though. I didn't live up to Madonna's "Material Girl" song ("only boys that save their pennies make my rainy day..."). I married for love, not money! Ha. Anyway, let me update with Ben stuff...
Ben can walk by himself anywhere, everywhere. He's a pro. I was chasing him in the yard earlier and he started to run away, but he's definately not a running pro yet. He did a face plant into the grass. When I picked him up I had to brush the grass off his face from the impact. It was funny (to me, not him). He eats anything, though he definately has his likes and dislikes. His favorite food right now are the toddler mini-raviolis, cheese filled. He also likes to share ice cream cones with mama. And the best and easiest breakfast in the world is a nutrigrain bar. He LOVES those. The picture above was how Ben eats a poptart. He plays a lot with his food. He's also gotten very good at copying what Chris and I do and say, so we have to be careful.
Ben also had his first trip to the Emergency Room a few weeks ago. He was coughing so hard he could barely catch his breath. Of course he started this at about 5pm, so every doctor's office was closed. Chris and I couldn't stand to listen to him coughing so hard (he was even throwing up a little from gagging), so we decided to take him to the ER just so they could at least tell us what was wrong. An hour and a half later, we found out that he had bronchitis. Poor guy. He's totally fine now, but I'm glad that we took him because it could have developed into pneumonia. If you look at the X-Ray, you can see the cloudiness near his sternum. That's the inflammation of his bronchioles, which is bronchitis. If the cloudiness went all the way to the outside of his lungs, that would be pneumonia. That's what the doctor told me, anyway.

Last year Ben was fine going into a swimming pool. This year he's more opinionated about it. He cried almost the entire half hour I had him in the pool last weekend. I think it was too cold, but I know that he's going to throw a fit when we go to put him in it again tomorrow, despite the fact that Troy and Jamey's pool is now up to 86 degrees. He'll have to get over it. I'm not allowing my baby to be a water wimp! :)