Saturday, February 5, 2011

Early Weekend

Friday morning it started to snow. Going into work, I KNEW we would close early (this is Arkansas and there is no difference between lava falling from the sky and snow). I just didn't expect us to close as early as we did. After all of our students arrived, we fed them breakfast and then got the official call saying that we were dismissing at 10am. There was no point in going to school that day since breakfast is the only thing we accomplished. It was chaotic and crazy trying to get ahold of all of the parents to make sure they were on their way to get their child or would be there when the buses dropped off the kids early, especially since most of our parent's don't have working phone numbers. Somehow, we managed to contact everyone and Ben and I left work/school around 10:30am.

Ben was SOOO excited about the snow. He loves it!! He wouldn't stop talking about it, and when I tried to get him in the front door, he lost it because he wanted to go play in the "slow". I stuck to his school schedule and made him eat lunch and take a nap before we would go outside. Right after he woke up he made a convincing speech of "slow? outside? slow? slow?" So we got ready and headed outside. Afterall, I had promised him we'd make a snowman.
I just didn't tell him how big of a snowman I was willing to make. He didn't care. He was just excited to be outside and throwing snowballs I compacted for him.

This was Ben playing with his dinosaurs and his parking garage. He's trying to modernize the herd. I've had a fun, relaxing weekend so far. I hate that tomorrow's Sunday. Laundry and homework day.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Picky Eater

Toddlers are impossible to feed. Ben will LOVE something one day, and the next day refuse to even look at it. The only food we can consistently count on him eating is corn dogs, macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, cheese, and fruit snacks. Some days he will barely eat anything at all, which always resorts in me trying to stuff yogurt or fruit in him to at least get him some nutrition.

Most of the time we try to give him what we're eating for dinner, but that hardly ever works out. We've had recent success with pizza, but only because he likes to pick the cheese off and eat it. He's not a good vegetable eater. Green beans are the only thing we've had mild success with, and that was on one of his good eating days. He seems pretty healthy, and that big belly of his suggests he's getting all the food he really needs, so I suppose I shouldn't worry too much.

I wonder what pioneer parents used to feed their toddlers. There are so many more options now-a-days that Ben refuses to eat, I think he would have starved to death back in the 1800's. Then again, he probably never would have existed since I couldn't ever make it across a river without the wagon tipping over and me dying in the Oregon Trail game.