Saturday, July 23, 2011


So obviously I haven't been updating my blog very much lately. Or at all. I'm still working full time, going to grad. school part time, helping take care of a busy two year old, etc. On top of all of that, I'm 29 weeks pregnant! Chris, Ben, and I are expecting a little girl, Eliza Cate, October 6th.

Here's Eliza's 20 week ultrasound. We were so excited to find out she's a girl!

And here's the recap of belly pics....

15 weeks

18 weeks

19 weeks

22 weeks

24 weeks

26 weeks (it bugs me that I'm facing the opposite way this week)

27 weeks

28 weeks

This pregnancy has been wonderfully non-eventful. I had morning (all day) sickness for the first 16 weeks or so, which was a little shorter amount of time than I was sick with Ben. My hips have hurt from very early on and continue to have good days and bad days. All of the hormones causing muscles to loosen up are making me waddle even though I'm not big enough to justify a waddle. Oh well, I'll take aching hips over throwing up any day! Eliza is very healthy, and the doctor says I'm actually measuring a little big (remember Ben was 9lbs 1oz). Glad I'll be getting a C-Section this time around!

We have most of Eliza's stuff ready and waiting her arrival. We are so excited to be adding a little girl to our family. Ben has no concept of what's about to happen. We hope he accepts it well, but he's the only baby/grandbaby/great grandbaby in the family on both sides, so I'm not sure he'll be happy to share the spotlight. I think he'll eventually make a very good older brother. He can be very helpful and loves to be praised for everything he does. He's almost potty trained, too!! We're very happy to not have to have two kids in diapers at the same time. Ben will be 2 1/2 next month, so I feel like he's right where he needs to be in his potty training. He wears underwear all day and a diaper at night. Of course, he thinks he needs to pee every 5 minutes or so, and he needs help in the bathroom with pulling his underwear off and on. I also don't trust him by himself completely, not knowing how much toilet paper he will flush or how much soap he'll spread on his arms like lotion if I'm not monitoring him. So we're not there yet, but we've got a GREAT start.