Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Trouble Maker!

Now that Ben's getting a little more mobile and a lot more active, he's been getting into EVERYTHING. I know I've talked about this, but here are some pictures to back up my claims.

Ben turning his playmat sideways. He liked it better this way.
Ben helped himself to a book off the bookshelf. It's Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes.

He pulled the cushion off his swing and walked around with it.

This morning he pulled his mobile down. Looked pretty happy about it, too.

My sweet baby. He'll probably be crawling around Christmas time. Between Ben and our cats, I don't think our Christmas tree will stand a chance.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Little 7 Month Pumpkin

We've been so busy lately! Between work, grad school, and taking care of Ben, there's been no time to blog. Right now I'm avoiding work by writing this.

Almost a year ago (October 1st) we found out that Ben was a boy in my five month ultra sound. Everytime I think about it I get so happy. I can remember how excited I was and it makes me feel excited all over again. My baby's now almost 8 months old. It's crazy how fast it goes. He's FINALLLY got the little budding of a tooth on his bottom gum. I'm glad. He's been so fussy lately that I was starting to think it was just his personality. Whew! The last few days he has been in a very good mood. It makes it hard for me to be away from him because I know I'm missing him do something cute. He gives kisses to me all the time now. He grabs my face and pulls his toward me and gives me a big drooly open mouth kiss. It's more like he impacts my face with his lips, but still! It's definately done with intent. He's doing that with some of the teachers at school, too, but he needs to stop because I don't want to share!

He wears size 3 diapers now, drinks juice from a sippy cup (not the biggest fan of it, but we're working on it), wears 9 month clothes, size 4 shoe (a little big, but 3s would be too small in a week), feeds himself little gerber puffs, and laughs at a lot of random stuff. He also grabs at anything within reach, which means you'd better really have a good grip on him because he'll give no warning when he tries to grab for pictures on the wall or a person nearby. He just kind of throws his body in that direction while you're trying to hold him. His favorite thing in the world is being held in a standing position and holding his hands while he walks around the world. That's what he goes for. So putting him on his belly and trying to get him to figure out crawling is pretty much the opposite of his favorite thing, which is why he throws such a big fit about it. The physical therapist at work told me my son is stubborn, which is a good thing that we don't want to break, we just want to bend it a little. I told Chris that he must get that from him, along with his temper and constant talking. Anyway, the PT is now working with his teachers on way to get Ben to start crawling. Ben might be one of those kids that goes straight from sitting to walking. A lot of kids do that.

We're going to go to a new pumpkin patch this year. We're going next weekend and I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be Ben's first pumpkin patch. I hope the weather is good!

One funny thing that Chris did the other day...I asked him to buy vacuum seal bags so we can store all of Ben's clothes in them. Chris bought Bissel vacuum bags. First of all, we don't own a Bissel, and secondly, our vacuum is bagless. I love my husband.