Saturday, August 6, 2011

Excessive Heat and 3D pics

This week has been very tiring. Normally I don't complain too much about how hot it is, but on Wednesday, the temperature was 109 degrees here. To make things worse, there was a fire at the electrical plant (or whatever you call it) that controls our electricity, so our power went out at about 4:30pm that day. People were predicting that the power wouldn't be on for another 24-48 hours, and since I'm big fat pregnant and we have a 2 year old with no concept of how to stay cool, we packed up and headed to my mother in law's house. We packed the most important freezer/fridge stuff we could fit into a cooler and as Ben and I were getting ready to take the exit to her house, Chris called and told me that Diane had lost power as well, but hers was out due to a wind storm that had taken out power lines. So everyone who I was comfortable staying with had no electricity on the hottest night since 1980 (I believe).

We decided to stay in the Super 8 in Bryant (the only hotel affordable and available..we got the second to last room). It smelled like dog pee since it was a room in which we were allowed to keep animals, but it was very cold and felt wonderful.

Ben did pretty well due to the fact that we had Toy Story playing on my laptop for him to watch separately while everyone else watched cable. I didn't sleep very well because it's strange to stay in a hotel when you're not on vacation and have to go to work the next day. I woke up every few minutes to check the time and make sure that my phone alarm was going to wake me. That next morning, Chris went out to my Saturn to start it to go to work and it was dead. It wouldn't even take a jump, so we knew we had to buy a new battery for it. Both of us were late to work, but we went and bought a battery (checked out of the hotel) and then tried to lead a normal day. Our plan for Thursday night was to stay with Troy and Jamey since their power had returned late the previous night and ours still had not. Troy texted us that afternoon and told us that their power had been turned back off due to Benton using too much electricity (it would have caused the power plant thing to overheat or something), so I was very disappointed and a little crazy/tired at that point. I didn't know where we were going to stay that night, and then Ben came in my office at work and got his finger stuck in the handle of a plastic box that held crayons. His thumb wouldn't come out! I don't know how he got that porky little finger in there, but I tried to manuever it every which way and he just kept crying louder and louder. I started to panic. Luckily, one of the other teachers came into my office and helped me squeeze it out. After I thanked her and she left the room, I just lost it and started crying. No sleep plus hormones and stress can make me a little awkward to be around. My boss and coworker came in and told me to leave Ben with them so I could chill out for a little bit, but I didn't have anywhere to go and I didn't want to spend any more money (we just dropped $100 on a hotel room and we're supposed to be going to Branson next weekend).

Chris told me that Diane's power was supposed to turn back on at 4pm, so Ben and I headed that way in hopes that it was true. 4pm came around and it still wasn't on. Even though it was 85 degrees in her house, it still wasn't too miserable, so Ben played while I laid on the couch. Diane was at work. Finally it came on at 5pm, but it didn't start cooling down until the middle of the night. When I woke up to go to work Friday morning, it was still 78 degrees in her house. BUT, it was Friday and Friday is the day I had been looking forward to for weeks because at 10am we had an appointment for a 3D ultra sound of Eliza! We finally have an idea of what our beautiful little girl will look like (the picture above is the best one that we got. The tech told us she was the most cooperative baby that day and we were very happy about that. She's so pretty and innocent looking! We can't tell who's nose she has, but she definately has Chris' big lips! We also saw that she has long eye lashes and short hair floating around her head. It was a great experience.)

While we were at the appointment, Tiffany texted us and let us know that our power had returned. So Chris and I went back to work after the appointment, but we decided to stay with Diane again that night since our house would probably not cool down enough in time for us to go to sleep.

It seemed pretty warm that night, but I had just thought it was because I had worn a t-shirt to bed instead of a tank top. When I got up this morning, it was 85 degrees in her house. Her air conditioner had broke during the night. Ben woke us up at 6am, and when we realized it wasn't going to cool down (after a few days of being in hot houses), Chris and I packed up and told Diane to come to our house where it had cooled down to 71 degrees. Luckily, Diane had gotten someone to come fix her air conditioner. Chris and I spent the morning cleaning our house (the cats had taken over with their fur all over the place) and the smell coming from the unwashed dishes in the sink made the entire house stink. We had to throw out 4 trash bags full of food from our fridge and freezer. More money gone. We went to Kroger and did VERY well buying off brand and sale items. Then we came home and spent most of the day relaxing and watching Ben play. We're so glad to have our electricity back!!!

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