Wednesday, July 15, 2009

That Needs A Little Drool...

So Ben's newest phase is the putting everything, EVERYTHING in his mouth phase. He's been doing this for about 2 months, but now it's to the point where I have to fight to keep things OUT of his mouth. I even saw him grab one of Junie's wrinkles (on her little puggy back) and try to pull it to his mouth. Luckily Junie doesn't hold still for more than a second. It's really cute, but it also means that he's getting sick more often as he's in the baby room and they also put everything in their mouth. Germ sharing fun. Ben also gives his version of kisses. He comes at your face with his mouth open and connects with your chin. I'm pretty sure he's just trying to suck on my nose or chin, but it counts as a kiss to me! :)

Ben can also imitate certain things you do. He can imitate a popping noise you make with your mouth, and yesterday I was shaking my head at him and he shook his head back. He only did that once, though. He holds his bottle by himself for an entire feeding, rolls from back to stomach, and sits up from a leaned back position. He can also stand with very little support from us. He laughs and smiles and also sleeps entirely through the night. He drinks formula still, but we add cereal to his nightly bottle. He also eats fruits and vegetables from the 'baby's first foods' containers at lunch and dinner. I try to give him one of each at each feeding, though I'm not entirely sure what they do at preschool with him for lunch. Ben recognizes different people, especially mama and daddy. But he also recognizes teachers at his preschool, too. He gets mad at me when he can see I'm in the room and am not holding him. I think major separation anxiety is going to start soon with him. I dread that.

(Eating can get tiring)

Chris and I had our 2 year anniversary yesterday. We went and saw The Proposal. It was so good. Then we ate at Applebees since it was pretty much in the same parking lot. Ben got to spend time with Mimi, which he loves. And Junie got to spend time with Tiffany, which she loves.

(He just couldn't stay awake for Aunt Tiffany)

Since the last time I posted, Chris and I have gone to Memphis to see Wicked. We got to see fireworks from the roof of the Peabody hotel. It was awesome. The next weekend we got to see Jerry Seinfeld perform, which was hilarious. We're really lucky we have family to watch Ben!
My friend from college, Christine, also came by on her way up to Utah from Georgia. It was great to get to see her again! I'll have to post that picture later, since I can't find it! :)