Monday, December 21, 2009

Naked Baby!

Is bathtub one word? It doesn't look right no matter which way I type it, so I'm titling this thing Naked Baby instead of bathtub baby. Even though there's only two pictures, they deserve their own post. Ben LOVES baths. He prefers them to be hot, but obviously Chris and I are careful. We usually throw a few squirt bath toys in there so he has something to occupy himself. Ben does really well when you dump a cup of water over his head to rinse his hair. It'll pour over his face and he'll hold his breath, but he recovers quickly. No crying! We try to put wash clothes under his butt to prevent him from sliding around, but sometimes they escape and he's free to slide. I like Johnson's baby shampoo for his hair, but baby magic for his body wash. Ben couldn't care less. He gets a bath every night before bed. Chris usually gives it to him. It's a daddy-Ben thing. Diane said that Ben pooped a little in her bathtub the other day, but thank goodness we haven't seen that yet! Eww. It was bound to happen. And no, that's just a stained washcloth he's sitting on in the picture. Not poop! :)

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