Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Break!

Though we haven't done anything overly exciting for Spring Break, we've still managed to have some fun. I've enjoyed getting to spend more time with my boys, even if Chris still had to work. Boo.

Ben finally is accepting the slide. He actually laughs on his way down, if I go with him. I'm trying to train him to like things like this so that he'll go on roller coasters with me when he gets older since his daddy's such a wuss. :)
These are the first 'flowers' that Ben has ever picked for me. He pulled them out of the ground, started to stick them in his mouth, then changed his mind and handed them to me. When I took them he said "thank you". My sweet baby. I'm hoping there will be many more weeds picked for me as he gets older. I might even put them in a dixie cup with water.

I was hoping to get an action shot of him mowing the lawn, but he refused. Actually, he threw a crying fit and after he calmed down I took this picture. He had snot coming out of his nose, so I chose a picture that didn't display that.

Here's a sweet picture of Ben and Ava. This was taken at Larson's first birthday party. They were fighting over that toy, and then Ava got a little too personal (grabbing Ben's leg and touching his hair), so he distanced himself.
We're still working on getting Ben to walk by himself. He can do it, but he wants his hand held and he absolutely REFUSES to walk without it. The absence of a hand results in immediately dropping to his knees and crying. Stubborn.

Here's how Ben helps me clean the house. I was attempting a major cleaning spree, but he kept demanding my attention and rearranging the living room I had just cleaned. I pulled the cushions off the couch and vacuumed under them. While I was doing this, Ben was rolling around on one of the cushions on the floor and hit his head when he rolled off on the hardwood floor. I couldn't get anything done! He finally got distracted trying to push my yoga ball between the couch and the coffee table (tight squeeze) and I got a few things done. Nap time could not have come sooner.

Ben wouldn't stop trying to grab the toilet brush and stuff out of the bathroom trash can while I was in there blow drying my hair, so I finally grabbed him, walked him to the living room, and stuck him in a basket.

Zombie boy. If he's in a good mood, he WILL walk from mama to daddy. At least we know he's capable!

This is one of my favorite pictures! Tiffany took this in our side yard where we have a tree that was blooming. The flowers are so pretty and I love seeing Ben's little teeth as he gawks up at the tree.

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