Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Yesterday Chris took Ben to the pediatrician for his well child checkup. Ben got his four month immunizations. Chris was so good, he took the list of questions I made to ask the pediatrician and ACTUALLY asked them! I'm so proud!

The pediatrician said that Ben now weighs 13lbs 4oz and is 26 inches tall. When he was born he weighed 9lbs 1oz and was 20 1/2 inches tall. Chris was told that we should start Ben on cereal so he can gain a little more weight. He's not under weight, but most babies gain more weight than he has in the first four months. We bought some rice cereal and mixed it in a bowl with Ben's formula (like the package said). The doctor said to spoon feed him cereal and not put it in his bottle. Apparently cereal in bottles leads to obesity and gas. There have been studies, I guess. But Ben's never eaten from a spoon, so I kind of figured it wasn't going to go well. But I really hoped that it would!

Hoping doesn't really make things happen like it should. We bought Ben some spoons and bowls and mixed the cereal and put it in his mouth, and he kind of just left his mouth hanging open and cried. Then when a little bit managed to slide it's way down his throat, he gagged and then cried some more. It was actually really funny as mean as that sounds. He's my little over-reactor (he gets that from Chris). I got him to smile a few times while we spoon fed him, which was really cute because he had cereal all over his face.

We finally thought that maybe he just needed to just get used to the taste, so we put it in a bottle and he sucked it down incredibly fast. So he likes cereal, just not spoons. We're going to work on that the next few weeks.


  1. Does he have teeth? Or is he for sure teething?

  2. No teeth. He just acts like he's teething sometimes, but the doctor is pretty sure he's not.
