Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ouch My Hair! (Chrissy)

Ben's new favorite game is peek-a-boo and pull mama's hair. Today I wore my hair curly and Ben grabbed ahold and wrapped his little slobbery fingers around all the hair he could. It took a good 30 seconds for me to unwrap his fingers. His goal is to try to put my hair in his mouth. He's very mouth oriented. He loves to suck on hands, fingers, bibs, and blankets. We have a toy that we lay Ben down under and it has two arches that have different toys dangling. He spends a majority of his time trying to pull them into his mouth. He's also started playing with his feet and having a lot of tummy time.
He's getting better with tummy time. He still hates it, but it just takes longer for him to have a screaming fit about it. Today I took a picture of how high he can lift his head up off the floor now. He rolls on his back from side to side all the time, but he's yet to roll over (on purpose) from his stomach to his back. That's not supposed to happen for a few months yet, though. :) He's also trying to hold his bottle. Sometimes it slips out of his mouth while he's been holding it, and I can see him struggling to try to get it back in his mouth. He tries so hard, but he usually misses and the bottle ends up on the floor.

Ben was laughing so hard (in his own way) when we were playing peek-a-boo. It was the closest to a real giggle that he's ever gotten. And it was the most he's ever laughed at something before, too. I called Melissa so she could hear him, but she didn't answer her phone. I'm pretty sure she wasn't doing anything as important as listening to her nephew would have been. Don't worry, Melissa is the only one I call and make listen to all the noises Ben makes. The conversations usually end with Melissa saying something like "is that why you called me?"

Another picture I'm going to include in this blog is one where Ben is trying to focus on a toy and his eyes are crossing. I love when he does that! And yes, that's completely normal. There's nothing wrong with my baby's eyes!

It's been very hot here the last few days. Heat doesn't bother me as long as I can go inside to escape it. But when it's 92 degrees outside (with wonderful southern humidity) and it's in the upper 70's in your house, despite the thermostat being set at 67, it's kind of ridiculous. I strip Ben down into his onesie and diaper since he's usually wearing shorts or overalls on top of that. I think our house has bad insulation or something.

1 comment:

  1. Those are cute pictures of Ben. The one with him lifting his head is what he's going to look like as an old man.
