Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Strolling Along

Ben and I have been going on walks this week. Up until Sunday night I had not really taken any walks around this neighborhood, and though I know it's safe, I just wanted to make sure that the route that I would take with just Ben and I (on nights when Chris is working) would be okay with things like dogs escaping yards or any creepy neighbors. It is okay, although I now know a street that I won't go down tomorrow. There's a rotweiler (sp?) in a yard with a low fence, and he's a high jumper. He managed to climb the chain linked fence to the point of having his front shoulders hanging over the top. It's scary when you can tell that their owner isn't home and there would be nowhere to run, especially with a stroller.

The first time we went on a walk, it was Chris, Ben, Junie, and I. Junie made it almost the whole way, but she got tired and overheated about a block from our house (on the way back) and she started laying down in peoples yards, dragging her belly on their cool grass. She looked like such a dork. I finally told Chris just to put her in the bottom of our stroller since there's a basket. She fit nicely, though she had to be told to sit down constantly. (picture up above)

Ben did very good on his walk today. Sometimes he gets fussy, but usually it's only when the sun is getting in his eyes. It's fun walking down the street with a crying baby in a stroller. Ben likes looking around outside. It was overcast, but VERY humid today.

Ben is starting to show he's spoiled at the preschool. When I'm holding him and I go to lay him down in his crib (because I'm SUPPOSED to be working), he'll start to throw a screaming fit. He's such a brat! Then I'll pick him up and he'll be totally fine. It's sweet, but hard on the teachers in his class because I'll have to leave Ben screaming in there. I'm so lucky they're understanding about it. I love my nini bear. He also gets a lot of attention from the teachers outside of the baby room. He's the 'grandbaby' to some of them until they get their own grandbabies. And Ben loves ALL of the teachers at the preschool!! They've all helped me out at one point or another by holding him while I get our stuff together, or helping me carry my stuff and Ben out to the car in the afternoons. The baby room teachers are AWESOME! They always make sure all those babies get what they need and those babies are definately needy! I don't think any of them read this, but if they do, you guys are really appreciated!!

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