Friday, June 11, 2010

Soap and Wizards

Chris was giving Ben a bath the other night and he called me in there. He wanted me to watch how funny it was when Ben was trying to hold the bar of Dove soap. Of course, it kept slipping out of his hands and splashing back into the tub, which was funny. Then, by some miracle, he held it steady long enough to bring it up to his mouth and take a big bite. This was the face he made.

I could see him moving his tongue around his mouth and making worse faces when it collided with his bottom teeth, so I knew he had soap stuck to his teeth. So I stuck my fingers in his mouth and scraped off a big chunk of soap.

Once it was out, his face returned to normal. But in true Ben fashion, he doesn't just leave things he grabbed the soap and took another bite and started the process all over again. He really is a little trouble maker, getting into EVERYTHING he's not supposed to. His favorite trouble time thing right now is going into our bathroom and shutting the door while he's in there. The handle on the bathroom door is relatively low, so he could definately manipulate the lock if he tried. Chris and I practiced unlocking the door from the outside in case Ben ever locked himself in there, and we discovered that we would have to take a screw driver to take off the handle if that ever happened, so we've been very strict with Ben going into the bathroom and shutting the door. I tell him, sternly, "sad, sad day!" and then he says "da da daa" in the same tone. He's gotten very good at trying to repeat words and phrases we say, so it's already time to start being word careful.

Two nights ago I was in the bedroom doing homework and Chris brought Ben in to show off his outfit. Chris had put his shirt on Ben and he looked like a little Harry Potter wizard. It was so sweet to see how proud Ben was of wearing daddy's shirt. He even dragged it around the house after he was done wearing it. So cute!

I love my little trouble maker!

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