Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Working at the Car Wash...

Today was the first time in a long time (and I mean LONG time) that I didn't have work to do after work. So, of course, I felt guilty that I wasn't working. I needed to feel like I accomplished something, and since my car had enough bird poop on it to make one question what color my car actually was, I decided to wash my car. Ben helped. I had to let the water run for a while before it wasn't boiling hot (before this picture was taken). It seriously stung my hand it was so hot. I guess we're a lot closer to the sun or something. Hose water isn't even that cold at it's coldest in the summer. If you run sink water in the house, it stays luke warm, so you have to put ice in any glass you want of cold water. The pipes just stay warm. Anyway, Ben was testing out the water. He was tentative at first, but then realized that it tickled his hand when set on the "cone" setting.
This hose nozel is a pain in the butt for anyone with weak hands. I did have one little 'throw the hose down and call it stupid' fit, but Chris came outside to give me the helpful "squeeze harder" advice. Thanks sweety.

It was 94 degrees today, so we were more than happy to get a little wet. Ben kept eating the soap bubbles off the ground. Chris got irritated that I was letting him do it, but in my defense, I thought he would realize that it tasted bad after the first 3 soap tastings. Oh well, I've pulled chunks of cat fur out of his mouth, so I know he's eaten worse. The weather channel is forecasting our temperature to be 99 degrees this weekend. It's June. Yay.

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