Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mult-Tasking Mama (Chrissy)

Saturday is the day I do my heavy duty cleaning. So every Saturday I do all the laundry, vacuuming, bathroom cleaning, and decluttering the house needs. If Ben is having a good day then I can get all this done in about 6 hours. If he's very needy, then sometimes I have to finish some stuff on Sunday, which is my work day (reports and paperwork from Civitan). Today was a good day for Ben. If he cried for a bottle, then I propped a bottle up with a blanket when Ben was in his swing so he could drink it that way. I never leave the room when I prop up a bottle, for obvious reasons. So I would just clean the living room while Ben was drinking his bottle in his swing. It's the only way I can get stuff done without having to stop what I'm doing. He's starting to gain a real interest in TV, which is nice, but scary. I don't want him to be one of those kids whose life revolves around TV. He watched a good portion of Mean Girls while sitting in his bouncy chair, kicking his elephant that makes a rattle noise.
Things I got done today:

3 loads of laundry, sorted and folded
1 load of dishes in the dishwasher
Vacuum-living room, couches, Chewie's chair, bathroom rugs, window sills (dead ant corpses),bedroom, kitchen by the litterbox, and Junie's kennel.
Bathroom-toilet, sink, floor
Put away tons of dvds sitting around without their boxes
Ben's bath
Cleaned off the coffee table
Tried on all my jeans and put ones that don't fit or I don't wear in a bag to donate while reorganizing my closet
Moved Ben's cradle
Made beds
Mixed formula
Took care of Ben in between cleaning sprees
Took a 20 minute nap with Ben on the guest bed in his room
Organized diaper bag and restocked diapers on changing table
Emptied trash out of every room
Cleaned off coffee table and organized mail
A lot of other random things, but I'll stop the list here

We also think that Ben is teething. He just starts screaming like he's in pain randomly. We can see a spot on his gums on his bottom right that looks like a little tooth might poke through, but you can't feel anything yet. We've bought baby orajel swabs and nighttime stuff for him. He screamed a little this morning and Chris swabbed him, and he felt better. Then Ben did a big poop and he was in the best mood after that. He hasn't screamed at all today. My mom said that I was 3 months old when I got my first tooth, so I guess it might be time. I wonder what he's going to look like with teeth.

I moved Ben's cradle in our bedroom. He's been sleeping in a cradle next to my side of the bed. It was perfect because I can just look over and see what he's doing and ease those first few months of 'is he still breathing?' Chris and I are hoping to have Ben sleeping in his own crib in his own nursery by the time he's 4 months old. He's 3 months old now. So what I did was move his cradle from my side of the bed over to the other side of the room to see how he does tonight. It'll be a good test for me to see if I can handle him being on the other side of the room, let alone in another room in a few weeks. I think we'll both do fine. It'll be nice to not stub my toe on the end of his cradle, or trip over the humidifier cord anymore.
The picture of Ben is of him hanging out in his bouncy chair, watching Mean Girls. I stopped vacuuming to take the picture. He was very intense about it.


  1. I don't think I've done that much house work in 2 months.

  2. Ben might need a fish tank to watch, instead of TV! We'll call it developmental stimulation.... What do you think? I can help pick out nonviolent fish even!

    If you have little soft washclothes, try getting one wet, put it in a ziploc baggie and give him that to chew on when he's fussing. My nephew figured it out and kept us hopping trying to keep enough of them frozen ;).
