Friday, May 15, 2009

Son of a Bad Word! (Chrissy)

One of the preschoolers told a teacher that her little sister got smacked in the mouth by mama for saying a bad word. The teacher asked what she said, and the preschooler said "Son of a Bad Word". I think I'll use this in the place of swearing.

I got a letter saying I was accepted into the graduate program at UALR for special education. I need to do this in order to keep the job that I have, since I'm doing a job that requires me to be certified in special education, which I'm not. I guess classes start in August. I'll only have to take a few at a time, maybe even just one at a time. It'll be hard, though, to work during the day and attend classes at night. Maybe I can do some classes online. I'll have to talk to my advisor.

I can hear Ben screaming in the bedroom. He's going through a really annoying stage of crying when I'm not holding him. Usually his fits take place after we get home from school/work. It's hard for me to get things done. I know he's not hungry because he just ate, and he's not wet because I just changed him, and he doesn't have to burp. Those are the things that go through my head whenever he cries, kind of like a check off list. So I'll let him scream. He won't wear himself out, but at least I get a little break. It's the kind of screaming that he can turn off the second he sees my face peeking over the crib. As southerners down here tell a child throwing a fit "He needs to dry it up".

Today I got an awesome gift from Grandma Barbie and Great Grandma Chris. They designed and made Ben safari themed curtains and a blanket! It's soo cute! I can't believe the amount of detail that went into it. I'd never in a million years be able to make something so amazing. I love it. I already told Ben that he has to keep it in his room until he's at least 10. I need to have Chris lower the curtain rods a few inches and it'll be perfect! You can see Ben in the crib screaming if you look closely. Mama wasn't holding him. :) He's in the back right hand corner of the crib. It's a blurry picture, so it's hard to tell.

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