I think this picture is hilarious. He didn't want to go down the slide by himself, but we made him anyway. He thoroughly enjoyed it, as you can tell. He went down so slow he stopped completely at the bottom of the slide. We probably caused some sort of slide phobia for him.
This was the before picture. I did go down with him once and he actually enjoyed it.
Ben with his I heart my mom onesie on. I had to get in the picture to emphasize who his mom is, just in case you didn't know.
Ben's going to play tennis when he gets older. I think tennis is a very mom friendly sport to watch a child play because there's not a huge chance he'll get hurt.
The ball is bouncing in front of his face. He's not eating it. He chased the tennis balls around the court for a good while. I started to worry he was going to skin his elbows, so we had to stop. Chris was also getting fussy because he chased the tennis ball around a few times and got all tired from it.
When we were done playing tennis, we decided Ben needed some more walking practice. He does well when walking from one person to another, but still won't walk across a room by himself.
Ben always walks slower to Chris and then runs to me, which isn't good because I have to catch him before he does a face plant. He's not very coordinated and doesn't understand that mama isn't coordinated either, which means he'll probably end up doing a face plant one of these times.
My future tennis player. He won't have pink tape on his future tennis racket.