Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Steps!!!

Okay, so my baby is now a toddler. I'm not sure what the actual definition of a toddler is, but in my head, it means he toddles. Ben took his first steps this morning! It was about 7:35am and I was showing the physical therapist at work how Ben leans into me when I try to get him to walk. She started showing me tricks to getting him to quit leaning and he was doing very good in the hallway for her. So we (the 5 other teachers and myself) were standing around talking, and Ben was playing on the floor. He was hanging on to a teacher's leg and start to stand, like usual. Then he let go and was standing by himself for about 40 seconds. I interrupted some of the teacher's conversations (quite rudely, but it was IMPORTANT) and told them to look at Ben. Then I held my hands out to him and he took 4 very slow, steady steps and made it to me. So we all witnessed his first steps!! It was so exciting! Ben was very proud and started acting all goofy when he realized everyone's attention was focused on him. Nerd. The pictures I took were right after with my iphone, which is why they're blurry. I wish I could have recorded his actual first steps or that Chris could have seen them, but oh well. At least I got these pictures from RIGHT AFTER it happened. So these are his first steps after his first steps.

So my baby met my goal of him walking before his first birthday. Only nine days until he's ONE. Woah.

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