Tuesday, February 16, 2010

12 months

Ben at 12 months

*He's taking steps, but definately not walking around the living room yet. The most steps he's ever taken by himself in a row is six.

*He fake cries ALL THE TIME. For attention, of course. Really annoying to listen to when it continues on for more than a few fake cries.

*He says mama, dada, bye bye with a little wave, baba (pronounces his b's as d's most of the time), and my favorite, Uh-oh.

*If you say "Can I have a kiss?" prepare for the slobberiest kiss of your life. He gives you one every time you ask and makes a very good attempt at aiming for your lips, though not always hitting his target.

*He's going through the pointing at everything phase, which is really cute.

*A ball is his favorite toy in the world. Any ball that is big enough to bounce and smack your hand on.

*He's not afraid of ANYTHING. He loves loud noises, especially when he's the one who makes them. He chases the vacuum and smiles when Chris honks the horn when we're driving.

*His favorite solid foods are mini-corndogs and oreos. Healthy, I know. He still has issues eating solid food, but he's doing much better.

*He throws almost everything he gets his little hands on. The first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning is throw all of his toys out of his crib, saying "uh-oh" after every toy hits the floor. This is what I wake up to most mornings at 5am.

*He laughs A LOT, but mostly at what mama and daddy do. The hardest he ever laughs is when Chris tickles him with his beard. He also laughs at peek-a-boo.

*He loves to sleep, which is the only way I manage to get homework done. He takes a nap from around 11:30-1:00pm, then again from 4:30-7:00pm, then sleeps through the night 9:30-5:30am.

*He wears a size 4 shoe (perfect fit right now), 12-18 month clothes, and size 3 diapers.

*He drinks from sippy cups with soft lids. I gave him whole milk for the first time the other day and he LOVED it. It's great because I'll drink any kind of milk and formula is so expensive.

*We finally got to flip his carseat around. The first time he rode facing forward, I kept turning around and he was just STARING out the windshield, trying to understand what was going on. It was so funny.

*He doesn't try to flip over when I change his diaper or get him dressed anymore. I think he got in enough trouble that he finally learned to hold still.

*He tries really hard to imitate words that you say, and comes really close most of the time.

*He will carry things around in his mouth while crawling through the house.

*The things that he gets in trouble for everyday include playing with mama's laptop, trying to sneak into the kitchen, playing with the tv remotes and throwing them, playing with the toilet paper and the trashcan in the bathroom, pulling the cd out of his cd player in his room, and spitting out his food just because.

I'm waiting for Tiffany to post birthday pictures before I do a birthday party post.

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